
Lutheran Worship is distinguished from other forms of worship in that it is God-centered rather than Man-centered.  Pagan worship seeks to offer our works up to God to earn his approval while in Lutheran worship God freely gives his gifts to us in Word and Sacrament through His Son Jesus Christ and we respond with our prayers, offerings, praise, and thanksgiving.  For this purpose, we follow the Divine Liturgy where the Divine Triune God first serves us.


Divine Services settings I, III, and IV from the Lutheran Service Book are offered regularly on Saturday evening at 6:30 PM and Sunday morning at 9:30 AM.

Holy Communion is served every Saturday/Sunday except for the fifth Sunday of the month which follows the order of Matins.  As a member of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS), we practice Closed Communion.  This means that only those who have received instruction in our faith and are members in good standing of an LCMS congregation may partake of the Lord’s Table.  This practice is done out of love to ensure that those who receive Christ’s body and blood in the bread and wine understand what they are receiving and because in Holy Communion we make a common confession of faith.  Children who are not yet confirmed in our faith and those from other Christian denominations may still come forward, cross their arms across their chest, and receive a blessing on their baptism.  To learn more about our doctrine and practice of Closed Communion, read  Pastoral Practice of Closed Communion

Special services.

Christmas Eve – 7pm; Christmas Day – 9am; New Years Eve – 7pm; Ash Wednesday – 7pm;  Maundy Thursday – 7pm; Good Friday – 7pm.